UANPF Benefit Recipient
Welcome to the UANPF website’s Benefit Recipient page. You are who this plan is truly all about. We take great pride and satisfaction in providing secure retirement benefits earned by the highly skilled, hardworking men and women who have dedicated themselves to a career in the United Association.
In this section our Pensioners, Survivors and Beneficiaries will be able to download documents such as an Authorization of Direct Deposit or W4P Tax Withholding Form.
You also have the ability to log-in to our secured site to view your benefit payment history as well as your 1099s.
We have also included an FAQ section which we hope will help with any questions you may have or direct you to the best person to assist you.

The United Association National Pension Fund (UANPF) was established in July 1968 to provide retirement benefits for employees who are represented by the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry (United Association) or by a United Association Local Union or District Council.
The Fund maintains a multiemployer defined benefit pension plan funded solely by employer contributions and investment earnings. The contributions are made in accordance with collective bargaining agreements or other participation agreements. Participants do not have individual money accounts with the Fund and do not make employee contributions. Rather, contributions made by employers are deposited into the trust fund to provide for defined retirement benefits payable to eligible participants in accordance with the Plan.