About the UANPF
The United Association National Pension Fund (UANPF) was established in July 1968 to provide retirement benefits for employees who are represented by the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentice plumbers, pipefitters, sprinkler fitters, service technicians and welders (United Association) or by a United Association Local Union or District Council. The Plan is a collectively bargained plan funded by a Taft-Hartley trust fund.
The Fund maintains a multiemployer defined benefit pension plan funded solely by employer contributions and investment earnings. The contributions are made in accordance with collective bargaining agreements or other participation agreements. Participants do not have individual money accounts with the Fund and do not make employee contributions. Rather, contributions made by employers are deposited into the trust fund to provide for defined retirement benefits, payable to eligible participants in accordance with the Plan.
The Plan includes many jurisdictions throughout the U.S, but not all jurisdictions in which there is a United Association Local Union choose to participate in the Plan. Bargaining units are allowed to join at different times and their contribution rates vary.
As a participant of the Plan, you can look forward to receiving a benefit at retirement once you meet the requirements for a pension. Along with Social Security and personal savings, the National Pension Plan can provide you with a solid financial foundation at retirement.

At the UANPF, we do what is in the best interest of our participants because they deserve it. Built solely on hourly contributions and investment earnings, the UANPF is well-diversified and managed prudently by the Trustees, to maximize returns that will provide our participants with solid benefits, including a plan design that contains the following features:
- When the contribution rate goes up, the benefit goes up
- Additional benefits of 1.125 percent per month for all contributions over $5 per hour
- Benefit schedule with an accrual level for any contribution rate at $0.13 or above per hour
- Up to five years of Past Service Credit for newly participating groups