United Association Local Unions
The United Association National Pension Fund (UANPF) proudly welcomes you to our Local Unions page. We have designed these pages to be a valuable tool for Local Union Business Managers, elected officers, office staff and Local Fund Administrators, to quickly access UANPF information, documents and forms and to find answers to frequently asked questions.
The UANPF was established in July 1968 to provide retirement benefits for employees who are represented by the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry (United Association) or by a United Association Local Union or District Council.
The Fund maintains a multiemployer defined benefit pension plan funded solely by employer contributions and investment earnings. The contributions are made in accordance with collective bargaining agreements or other participation agreements.
The Plan includes many jurisdictions throughout the U.S., but not all jurisdictions in which there is a United Association Local Union participate in the Plan at this time. Bargaining units are allowed to join at different times, and their contribution rates vary.

Local Union Resources
PEERS Mandate Letter
PEERS is a secure, web-based electronic remittance system, which will save Employers valuable time and expense when submitting monthly remittances. In turn, it will allow UANPF to process member contributions more efficiently and credit hours to our Participants more promptly. This is one of many measures we are adopting to reduce administrative costs and increase the efficiency of Fund office operations.
Are you still remitting payments the old fashioned way and haven't yet registered for PEERS, the new electronic remittance program? If so, we are here to assist with a smooth transition. The PEERS Helpdesk staff are available from 7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST, Monday thru Friday and can be reached by e-mail at PEERSHelpdesk@uanpf.com or by phone at 1-800-638-7442, ext. 3340.
URGENT NOTICE TO BUSINESS MANAGERS: Amended Standard Form of Participation Agreement and Amended Participation Agreement for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees
Business Managers, check your email! The UANPF’s Trustees amended the Standard Form of Participation Agreement (“SFPA”). This Agreement contains the terms the Fund requires contributing employers to agree to be bound by and is required to be included in or attached to a participating local union’s CBAs. The Trustees also amended the Participation Agreement for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees (“NBUA”), which sets forth coverage for non-bargaining unit employees. Detailed information about the amendments and a copy of the SFPA and a sample of the NBUA were sent to the business managers by email. Click on the link below to view the Notice or to contact the Fund Office, if you have questions.
UANPF Standard Form of Participation Agreement ("SFPA")
The Fund's Standard Form of Participation Agreement ("Agreement") must be signed by contributing employers who agree to be bound to a collective bargaining agreement requiring contributions to the Fund. Alternatively, the text of the Agreement can be included in the body of the Local Union's collective bargaining agreement. Note, the Agreement has been revised, effective March. 1, 2024, to change the description of the non-bargaining unit employees for whom the employer is required to continue contributions to the Fund. Contact the Fund Office with any questions.
If you have any questions related to the Annual Hours Report, please click here to continue to the Local Union login page.
All inquiries regarding the Local Union Delinquency and Paid Reports will require a login. Continue by clicking here.